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Yes, you’re right – it’s Düsseldorf Medienhafen again. We went there this evening to do some night photography of this beautiful location. I decided to try the ISO 200 challenge invented by Robin Wong. He is also the creator of the phrase “shutter therapy” – my latest favorite expression – and I’m taking a free ride with it! It so perfectly to describes my own approach to photography on so many days… going out shooting is really a therapy for me – to get rid of thoughts and all my problems of everyday life and work.

So please go and check out Robins Blog and Youtube page, leave him some likes and an abo!

Here are the links – but be aware: When you click one of these links, you will leave my page and go to Blogspot and/or Youtube. There may be cookies, tracking and all the bad things everybody is hit by hundred times a day. We all know this – we all ignore this – but the German and European governments insist, that the user has to be warned every single time! So here is the warning! Do not click the links if you do not want to visit a Blogspot page Robin’s Blog or Youtube site Robin’s Youtube Channel.

Parking in Düsseldorf is quite expensive – so we did not stay for hours and I did not make as many photos as I would have liked to. I used my OM5 with the Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm f1.8 lens. All photos were taken handheld, lens wide open, ISO 200 (of course) and I set the camera to P mode to let it do the rest. I was relying completely on the image stabilisation what turned out really well. The pictures are straight from camera without any post processing apart from a little straightening and slight cropping on some of them.